Welcome to TikaMSL. A platform designed specifically for Medical Science Liaisons. Using this platform, MSLs can create in-depth KOL engagement plans to capture insights and outcomes from KOL interactions and measure a KOL’s movement along a development continuum. MSLs can also capture electronic medical information requests, log interactions, and segment KOLs using tiering and profiling characteristics to help them move KOLs along the continuum to become advocates.
This app also provides a unique opportunity to plot KOLs along a map to visualize routing plans and visits, and ad-hoc reports can be generated for management review. MSLs can also connect to third-party data sources such as KOL publications and clinical trials allowing them to gain more insights about the industry for pre-launch research and support strategic interactions with KOLs.
Designed specifically for medical capital sales teams, TikaCapital puts an end to operating in the dark, accelerate their pipeline forecasts, and close more deals.