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September 30, 2020
Strategy is in the Eye of the Account Manager
Strategic account planning. A well-known process within the medical device space that sometimes can be hard to prioritize and nail down. Streamlining the strategic account planning process will.
September 23, 2020
The Three Rs for Pharma Commercial Strategy
In the pharmaceutical industry, a slew of interesting patterns and relationships have been identified as a result of COVID-19. When it comes to commercial organizations, it’s important that senior.
September 14, 2020
MSLs Driving the Strategy Towards P&T Committees
In pharma, there is a consistent trend we keep hearing that MSLs are experiencing a role shift in terms of their responsibilities and which key stakeholders they engage with. With organized planning.
September 8, 2020
Three Key Considerations for Commercial and Market Access Teams
Three Key Considerations for Commercial and Market Access Teams Silos. We’ve all heard of this term in the pharmaceutical industry however, do most of us truly understand how negatively silos affect.
August 28, 2020
The Formulary Speaks for Itself, or Does It?
There are many factors that need to be taken into consideration when optimizing and accelerating market access. One of the first items that should be on your checklist is honing in on a strong.
August 21, 2020
Meaningful Data for Meaningful Remote Engagements
The digital transformation is changing the way pharmaceutical companies interact with healthcare professionals (HCPs). Life sciences decision-makers need to equip their teams with powerful data to.
August 13, 2020
Keep Your Data Close and Your KOLs Closer
It is no question that the COVID-19 pandemic has made in-person engagement much more difficult. As a result, organizations are struggling to maintain relationships with key stakeholders. For.
August 5, 2020
IDNs Influenced by the B2B Strategy
Integrated Delivery Networks (IDNs) are modifying their business strategies due to changes in the industry, such as healthcare reform and financial pressures. IDNs influenced by the B2B strategy are.